UPDATE #3: I am definitely moving through this grieving process much faster than anticipated, mostly due to distractions and misguided optimism. This time I have skipped right over the depression phase, due mainly to the fact that March Madness is upon us. As you can tell from my latest post, March Madness is one of my favorite times of the year, not just because of the college basketball, but also because I know that opening day is merely weeks away. It also helps that the weather here in Minnesota has been nothing short of gorgeous over the past week. Twice we have seen temperatures above 60 degrees, and all but a few small patches of snow have melted. The sight of green grass (technically brownish-green), have got me dreaming of what it is going to be like once April 12th is here, and the 5 (hopefully 6) months following. Ladies and gentlemen, I am on the road to acceptance!

Can I please not be around when you peak in the 'anger' stage? Thanks.